Sunday, 26 May 2013

Cellulite Away Coffee Scrub Soap for COFFEE WAREHOUSE!!!

When we were @ Earthcare Fair last 4th of May 2013, I met this kind man who offered us wholeday of free coffee and steaming HOT chocolate! Could you imagine having that the whole day in this time of the year where winter is approaching!?  At the Fair it was gusty winds and chilly morning till afternoon. Coffee Warehouse' coffee was an absolute eye opener for an early morning, and absolutely yummy!

Anyway, Andrew, the owner of Coffee Warehouse , with their website:
www.,approached me to help him design a distinct quality soap that will rise among the best in the market, a "Coffee Soap" using his fine quality beans from Papua New Guinea.

So, off to my work studio and made some research, checked each ingredients, chose the best  carrier/base oil to use, studied essential oils that will exactly fit to the purpose of this coffee soap I have in mind. Each ingredient must contirbute to the quality, effectiveness and efficacy of this handcrafted soap.

In the pot, the soap was cooking and I added grounded coffee beans...

Stirring well before pouring... here's the poured soap, waiting for 24 hours before unmolding

Can you see those coffee bits?

Here's the Coffee Scrub Soap for COFFEE WAREHOUSE, check :

This was another batch of the coffee scrub soap, this will be my signature coffee soap... I LOVE this soap!!! After making one, I had shower and used it all over my legs, massaged it, and my skin flushed nice pink, meaning blood was circulating through my skin, which was good!

This was the raw coffee beans from Coffee Warehouse... he had it roasted right before us in his mini coffee roaster and in a few minutes, it turned from green raw coffee beans to a nice, rich brown roasted coffee beans... it was a sure eye opening fragrance.... hmmmm.... I LOVE COFFEE!!!

My sister Winnie observing...

There you go, another wonderful achievement for the day! Now, back to my laptop for the wholesale costing of my Cellulite away Coffee Scrub Soap!



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